The Study of Medication Knowledge of Warfarin Drug Use in Outpatients at Chonburi Hospital


  • Piradee Piyaman Pharmacy Department, Chonburi Hospital
  • Areewan Cheawchanwattana Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kean University


warfarin, warfarin knowledge, INR control, adverse drug reaction


Background: Warfarin, an oral anticoagulant widely used for treating and preventing thromboembolic events, has a narrow therapeutic index and can lead to life-threatening adverse reactions. Chonburi Hospital observed a significant number of patients failing to achieve target INR values. Analysis suggested that patient knowledge about this medication might influence treatment outcomes.

Objective: This study aimed to assess patient knowledge regarding warfarin, focusing on dosage, regimen, adverse reactions, and appropriate actions while using the medication. Additionally, it aimed to compare knowledge scores across different patient demographics.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 266 outpatients receiving warfarin at Chonburi Hospital. Data on patient demographics and warfarin knowledge were collected through interviews and electronic medical records. Data analysis utilized independent t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and Bonferroni post-hoc tests.

Results: The mean warfarin knowledge score among patients was 14.76 ± 6.09 out of 30 points. The highest-scoring question pertained to actions during accidents or injuries, while the lowest score related to identifying symptoms of thromboembolic events. Significant differences in mean warfarin knowledge scores were observed based on gender, age, education level, weekly warfarin dosage, duration of medication use, and previous exposure to multiple warfarin doses (p < 0.05). However, no significant differences were found among patients with different INR and %TTR levels.

Conclusion: Outpatients at Chonburi Hospital demonstrated a moderate level of warfarin knowledge, with notable variations influenced by demographic factors such as gender, age, and education level. This underscores the importance of targeted patient education to enhance understanding and improve treatment outcomes.

Author Biographies

Piradee Piyaman, Pharmacy Department, Chonburi Hospital

B.Sc. Pharm.

Areewan Cheawchanwattana , Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kean University



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How to Cite

ปิยะมาน ภ, เชี่ยวชาญวัฒนา อ. The Study of Medication Knowledge of Warfarin Drug Use in Outpatients at Chonburi Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2024Aug.20 [cited 2024Oct.28];30(2):99-113. Available from:



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