Pattern and Compliance to Practice Guideline Empiric Pneumonia Treatment: Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital


  • Pattama Tantawiwat Pharmacy Department, Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital
  • Peerapat Thaisiam Medicine Department, Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital
  • Panupat Poompruek Department of Health Consumer Protection and Pharmacy Administration, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University


compliance, pneumonia, antibiotic prescribing guidelines


Background: Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital has implemented guidelines for the selection of empiric antibiotics in common infections.

Objective: To study the patterns and compliance of antibiotic prescriptions compared to the guidelines for empiric antibiotic therapy in patients with pneumonia.

Methods: A retrospective study of 1,120 medical records of patients with pneumonia from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. Patients were categorized into community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the frequency and test the association between guideline compliance and patient outcomes (improvement, death, or others) using Pearson chi square analysis.

Results: Most patients with pneumonia were aged greater than 60 years (70.09%). One comorbidity was present in 39.46% of patients, with hypertension being the most common (49.02%). For community-acquired pneumonia, ceftriaxone and ceftriaxone + azithromycin were prescribed in 34.88% and 25.31% of cases, respectively. Mortality and discharge with approval rates were 39.40% and 46.50%, respectively. For hospital-acquired pneumonia, piperacillin/tazobactam was the most frequently prescribed antibiotic (55.41%). Mortality and discharge with approval rates were 52.03% and 29.73%, respectively. The identified pathogens differed from the guideline recommendations.

Compliance with empiric antibiotic therapy compared to the guidelines showed that 61.11% of patients with community-acquired pneumonia and 56.75% of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia received antibiotics according to the guidelines. The association between guideline compliance and patient outcomes was not statistically significant for both community-acquired pneumonia (p-value = 0.128) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (p-value = 0.067).

Conclusion: The guidelines for antibiotic selection should be updated to reflect the local epidemiology of pathogens.

Author Biographies

Pattama Tantawiwat, Pharmacy Department, Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital


Peerapat Thaisiam, Medicine Department, Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital


Panupat Poompruek, Department of Health Consumer Protection and Pharmacy Administration, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University

Pharm D., Ph.D.


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How to Cite

ตัณฑวิวัฒน์ ป, ไทยสยาม พ, พุ่มพฤกษ์ ภ. Pattern and Compliance to Practice Guideline Empiric Pneumonia Treatment: Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2025Mar.3 [cited 2025Mar.10];31(1):41-53. Available from:



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