Blood Pressure Levels and Medication Adherence of Hypertensive Patients Receiving Continuous Medication at Community Pharmacies Compared to the Hypertension Clinic at Pak Chong Nana Hospital


  • Miruntee Chongchuaklang Pharmacy Department, Pakchongnana Hospital


hypertensive patients, community pharmacy, drug adherence


Background: Pak Chong Nana Hospital implemented a congestion reduction program by distributing medications at community pharmacies (Model 1) starting January 1, 2020. The project focused on hypertensive patients under the Universal Health Coverage who voluntarily enrolled and met the assessment criteria set by physicians. Pharmacists at community pharmacies were responsible for managing medications and monitoring patients' blood pressure every two months.

Objective: This study aimed to compare blood pressure levels and medication adherence between patients receiving continuous medication at community pharmacies and those at the hypertension clinic.

Methods: This intervention study employed a prospective cohort design, where patients chose their preferred location for continuous medication. General and clinical data, blood pressure control (both systolic and diastolic), and medication adherence were collected over six months. Data were analyzed to compare differences using multivariable Gaussian regression statistics.

Results: Patients receiving continuous medication at community pharmacies tended to maintain systolic blood pressure (SBP) below 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) below 90 mmHg. Medication adherence, assessed through self-reports and pill counts, was significantly better than that of those receiving medication at the hospital, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level (p-values <0.001 and 0.018, respectively).

Conclusion: Patients receiving medications at community pharmacies were able to control their blood pressure within the target range and exhibited better medication adherence compared to those at the hypertension clinic.

Author Biography

Miruntee Chongchuaklang, Pharmacy Department, Pakchongnana Hospital

B.Sc., M.Pharm (Community Pharmacy)


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How to Cite

จงเจือกลาง ม. Blood Pressure Levels and Medication Adherence of Hypertensive Patients Receiving Continuous Medication at Community Pharmacies Compared to the Hypertension Clinic at Pak Chong Nana Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2024Aug.20 [cited 2024Oct.28];30(2):114-25. Available from:



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