Evaluation, Proactive Operation, Coronavirus Disease 2019Abstract
The objectives of this study were 1) to study the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic in Ranong Province 2) to evaluate the results of the proactive prevention and control of COVID-19 in Ranong Province 3) to study the problems and obstacles to the proactive prevention and control of COVID-19 in Ranong Province and 4) to study proposals for improvement and development of COVID-19 prevention and control operations proactive in Ranong Province. This research is a Mixed methods study which are a qualitative study that conducted a study of personnel involved in the proactive prevention and control of COVID-19 in Ranong province at both provincial and district levels in all 5 districts by the in-depth interview was based on a semi-structured interview and a specific sample was selected, a quantitative study was conducted among 424 COVID-19 patients with a simple survey using a simple random sampling by district random sampling by non-reversible random sampling and a descriptive epidemiological study from COVID-19 investigation form (form Corona2) Between January 1st-December 31st, 2021, 9,875 cases of COVID-19 were registered in all hospitals in Ranong Province IOC=0.67 Confidence=0.75 Triangular qualitative data were examined by analyzing quantitative data with descriptive statistics are percentage and mean, the qualitative part performs the data by content analysis.
The results of the study showed situation of the COVID-19 epidemic in Ranong Province in 2021, Ranong Province had 9,875 cases of COVID-19, 54.53 % were female, the median age was 33 years (min=1 day, max=112 years), the highest number were 60 years old and above, 11.82%, general laborer 23.94%, Thai nationality, 69.79% lived in Mueang Ranong District, 85.03% had Fever 53.95%, onset of symptoms at 15th week, most cases were found at 34th weeks and it is an outbreak from multiple disease sources or from person to person. The opinions of people infected with COVID-19 in Ranong Province towards the proactive prevention and control of COVID-19 were found to be at a high level of 67.22%. The evaluate the results of the proactive prevention and control of COVID-19 in Ranong Province found that the Ministry of Public Health has set the policy as a framework for action and can be adjusted according to the context of the area where spatial management occurs, such as integrating personnel of the disease investigation team from multidisciplinary, management of the Provincial Communicable Disease Control Committee and cooperation of network partners and the private sector have resulted in successful prevention and control of COVID-19. The problems and obstacles to the proactive prevention and control of COVID-19 in Ranong Province found is the concealment of timeline information, which affects the detention of high-risk contacts. The proposal for improvement and development of COVID-19 prevention and control operations proactive in Ranong Province is a surveillance system should be developed as a system together with effective risk communication for cooperation in prevention and control of the disease in the area in the future.
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