Patients care services system, Busarakham Hospital, Coronavirus 2019 patientsAbstract
A study of the service system development to support care among Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) patients in Busarakham Hospital Ministry of Public Health. There was a Mixed Methods Approach research with 3 groups of samples, totaling 45 people, consisting of doctors, nurses and patients. The study was divided into 4 phases: Phase 1: situational study and an analysis of service system management. Phase 2: Design and prepare for service system development, there were recruitment of relevant resources and coordination with agencies both inside and outside the Ministry of Public Health in establishing a Busarakham hospital. Phase 3: provides care for COVID-19 patients and Phase 4: evaluates the results of the operation. Which analyzes the data with descriptive statistics include percentage, mean and standard deviation, and content analysis.
The results of the study founded that most of the samples 53.30 % were female, age between 20-30 years, for 31.10% and there were patients who received services in Busarakham Hospital for 48.90%. For these study provide the care service system in 4 Phase. Phase 1: situational study and an analysis of service system management. The infected situation in Bangkok and vicinity, there are many patients who are unable to access hospital and insufficient public health resources. Phase 2: Design and prepare for service system development by allocating a budget and accepting donations of items necessary for patient. Phase 3: Implementing patient care services by considering structures and facilities. It was found that the overall picture was a very good level (χ = 4.75). In terms of medical equipment and medical supplies used in Busarakham Hospital, the overall level was at a very good level (χ = 4.82) Phase 4: Evaluate the results of the operation. It was found that the satisfaction with the quality of patient care services was at the highest level (χ = 4.73) and success rate 98.90%. The results of the study can be applied to the establishment the other field hospitals to support the outbreak and deal with potentially serious infectious diseases.
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