Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in the Immigration Detention Center
Prevention and Control, Tuberculosis, Detention CenterAbstract
Tuberculosis is the major communicable disease which is globally to be the public health problem in prisons and other cells which situated in the Immigration detention center, the main unit for detaining immigrants who did illegally and were acquittal including waiting for repatriation. Most of them illegally immigrated. Immigration detention center has any high risks for tuberculosis spread if there is tuberculosis case detained in the area. The objectives of this research were to explore tuberculosis situation, to study prevention and control operation and to examine problems and difficulties in operation in order to find appropriate guideline for tuberculosis prevention and control in the Immigration Detention Center. The samples were 3,407 immigrants detained in the immigration detention center for at least 1 year or others who were suspected Tuberculosis cases. The instruments were TB screening record form, diagnostic and medical summary report from referred hospital. Moreover, we used the disease prevention and control measures. The results showed that This screening during the period of 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2015, the participants were 3,407 detainees . It was found that there were 12 Tb cases, 5 males and 7 females. There were 8 cases with completed treatment and 4 cases with incomplete treatment due to sending back to their home countries. Active case finding through screening were used for tuberculosis prevention and control. Diagnosis and treatment were followed by the referred hospital, the General Police Hospital and Saint Louis Hospital .. The TB cases were isolated in the private zone in the same room but they can not be isolated in the single room because of limited room. DOTs used coordination with the room leader to closely monitor them to take the medicine. The problems and obstacles for implementation were mainly from Language for communication, collaboration for implementation, place limitation ,and staff shortage. Therefore, continuous case findings through immigrant screening is the best method for helping the immigrants to early receive the treatment, reduce the spread of infection, decrease the mortality rate, and minimize the drug resistant problem. Furthermore, cross border referral should be done if there were Tuberculosis cases with incomplete treatment due to sending back to their home countries including model development for effective prevention and control should be studied.
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