Opinions of Personnel Regarding the Procurement Management in General Administration Work, Trat Provincial Health Office
Procurement Management, Trat Provincial Health OfficeAbstract
This study is a survey research with the purpose to examine the opinions of personnel regarding the procurement management and the opinions of personnel regarding the guideline to improve the quality of procurement work in general administration work, Trat provincial health office. The study was conducted with 117 populations who were personnel who perform procurement work and service recipient of procurement work in Trat provincial health office. Instrument used in this study was a questionnaire created by the author with the confidence level of 0.81. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Research results revealed the opinion of the personnel regarding the procurement management of Trat provincial health office on the procurement management was in good level (μ = 3.43). When implementation steps were considered, the process of preparing annual procurement plan had the opinion regarding procurement management in intermediate level (μ = 3.35). Specification determination process had the opinion regarding procurement management in good level (μ = 3.42). Procurement procedure had the opinion regarding procurement management in good level (μ = 3.48). Receipt process had the opinion regarding procurement management in good level (μ = 3.48). Supplies control had the opinion regarding procurement management in intermediate level (μ = 3.33). Supplies distribution had the opinion regarding procurement management in good level (μ = 3.47). In the opinions of personal regarding the guideline to improve the quality of procurement work in general administration work, Trat provincial health office, knowledge management, communication, supplies list determination, work assignment, technology implementation and time frame should be improved.
The research suggested that training on regulation and law regarding the procurement management of the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Finance should be provided to the personnel who perform procurement works in order to educate the personnel who perform procurement works under Trat Provincial Health Office with additional knowledge about procurement. Storage should be improved in order to have a stable, strong and safe storage place. There should be inspection record and supplies control record. The inspection should be done regularly. The supervisor should monitor the work and there should be public relation media on the office’s website such as supplies demand survey, list of supplies to be procured and supplies distribution.
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