Participation of Partnership Health Network in Propulsion for Development Sub-District Health Management
participation, partnership health network, Sub-District Health ManagementAbstract
This study was a survey research. This research aimed to study the participation of partnership health network in propulsion for development Sub-District health management. The samples were affiliated area health network in Sub-District health management nationwide area 1,003 Sub-District. The target populations were 67,800 samples. The researcher calculated sample size by estimated population proportion, population projection was 0.10, confidence level 95%, error 5%, and calculation the sample size was 138 samples. However, this study was studied in 12 inspection areas so the researcher increased the number of samples by 30 samples per inspection area. Hence, total of the sample size was 360 samples. The sample sampling used multi-stage sampling by step 1, random target province 1 province per area, step 2, random district 1 district per area, step 3, random sub-district 1 sub-district per area, and step 4, purposive sampling 30 samples per sub-district who was the partnership health network and propulsion sub-district health management. This study was conducted from April to September 2016. The data collection instruments passed inspection of content validity from 3 professionals and tested reliability by using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient, through the reliability of recognition, motivation, and participation followed values 0.76, 0.78, and 0.97. Data analysis used percent, mean, standard deviation, and analyzed relation by Perason Product Moment Correlation.
This study found that, 1) the leaders of partnership health networks propelled Sub-District health management as followed 1.1) participation was medium level, 64.20% 1.2) knowledge was medium level, 76.90% 1.3) recognition was medium level, 78.10% 1.4) motivation was medium level, 60.30%. 2) Factors affected the propulsion for development Sub-District health management consisted of role and responsibility in community, perceive of development, and motivation of development Sub-District health management. 3) The testing of relation as followed 3.1) personal characteristic, knowledge had no relation with development Sub-District health management however, role and responsibility in community had significantly relation with development Sub-District health management at 0.05. 3.2) Recognition and motivation had significantly relation with development Sub-District health management at 0.05.
As a result, the propulsion for development Sub-District health management should get the target to understand, right recognition, get clearly the goal, motivate and influence the development, and affect participation process in propulsion for development Sub-District health management at the high level and successful.
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