
  • อังคณา จรรยากุลวงศ์ สำนักงานเขตสุขภาพที่ 4 สระบุรี สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดสระบุรี


Model Development, Quality Life and Elderly Career Development Center, Saraburi


This research has its purposes to develop, experiment the pattern and evaluate the efficiency of the operation model of the quality life and elderly career development center in Saraburi. This research is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research which separates into 3 processes. Step 1, studied the conditions, problems, and requirement by using questionnaire with the supervisor and the committee of the quality life and elderly career development center in all 14 places. The populations studied were 250 people, and it used simple sampling by Taro Yamane solution to get 154 sampling people. Step 2, created and examined the pattern by drafting the pattern, arranged the expert meeting, 20 people, updated and evaluated the suitability and possibility of the pattern. Step 3, experimented and evaluated the efficiently of the pattern including suitability, possibility, beneficial, and also evaluated the satisfaction from using the pattern of the operation model of the quality life and elderly career development center. Those by collecting data with the supervisor and the committee of the quality life and elderly career development center of those 2 places, 10 people each, which was 20 people in total. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation. It used interpretation by setting 5 levels of qualitative content analysis. This study was conducted from December 2016 to May 2017.

The research found that the pattern of the quality life and elderly career development center in Saraburi includes 3 main factors which are; 1) Purpose of the pattern 2) Overall structural of the quality life and elderly career development center which has 10 missions 3) Organizational structure of the relevant organizations including (1) The Office of Social Development and Human Security Province has 5 missions (2) Local government Organization has 6 missions 3) The district elderly club has 6 missions (4) Primary care Unit has 7 missions (5) Local or area health insurance fund has 4 missions, and, (6) The village health volunteer club has 5 missions. When the pattern was used in the real circumstance, it has the acceptable quality according to the criteria in suitability, possibility, and beneficial which overall in the high level (x = 4.36, 3.57, and 4.10) respectively. And, the result of using the committee pattern of the quality life and elderly career development center in Saraburi was satisfied to the use of the pattern overall in the high level (x = 4.12).

The suggestions are that encouraging community leaders and people to participate in strategic development plans of the quality life and elderly career development center, organizing the exchange of learning meeting regularly, and increasing knowledge and skill in project planning for the committee to continuing.


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How to Cite

จรรยากุลวงศ์ อ. (2019). THE OPERATION MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF QUALITY LIFE AND ELDERLY CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER IN SARABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Department of Health Service Support-วารสารวิชาการกรมสนับสนุนบริการสุขภาพ, 13(1), 29–43. Retrieved from