
  • กนิษฐา ภูวนาถนรานุบาล สถาบันชีววัตถุ กรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์
  • อัศจรรย์ อาเมน สถาบันชีววัตถุ กรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์
  • ปัทมา บุนนาค สถาบันชีววัตถุ กรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์
  • สุภาพร ภูมิอมร สถาบันชีววัตถุ กรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์


Evaluation research, Biological Products, Lot release, IBP e-Lot Release Application


The objective of this evaluation research on application program for biological products lot release information service was to assess the effectiveness of the “IBP e-Lot Release” application which has been developed by the Institute of Biological Products (IBP), Department of Medical Sciences, to provide information on the analysis of lot samples before distribution of more than 700 lots per year. The concept is to facilitate the service and access to the information for customers and stakeholders on the Android and IOS operating systems for biological product lot release information. This application was developed from the information available at IBP’s sample receipt/distribution database (iLAB). As a result, all the customers using a mobile phones could access the information conveniently.

In developing application, the starting point was defining the format and scope of the service information, followed by acquiring and coordinating with the application developer, developing an application prototype (IBP e-Lot Release Application), and presenting to the customers, stakeholders and IBP staffs to comment for prototype improvement and manual revision. Then the evaluation was carried out by collecting data from 39 customers and stakeholders selected by using the accidental sampling method. The result showed that, among all respondents, their satisfaction with the application responsiveness, user-system interface, and overall feature were at a high level (mean 4.04; SD 0.64; on a scale of very unsatisfied to very satisfied). The program itself could be used to track the status of all samples’ lot release processing at the Institute, including sample licensing, sample auction and relevant matters, Internet-based public information service, newsletter distribution to the users, suppliers, medical personnel, and the general public as they could have access to such relevant information quickly and accurately for their own use.


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How to Cite

ภูวนาถนรานุบาล ก. ., อาเมน อ. ., บุนนาค ป., & ภูมิอมร ส. (2020). EVALUATION RESEARCH ON APPLICATION PROGRAM FOR BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT LOT RELEASE INFORMATION SERVICES. Journal of Department of Health Service Support-วารสารวิชาการกรมสนับสนุนบริการสุขภาพ, 16(3), 31–38. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/jdhss/article/view/9500