The Success rate of Upper urinary tract stones in the outpatient department by Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy In Phrae Hospital =ความสำเร็จของการรักษาโรคนิ่วในไตและท่อไตแผนกผู้ป่วยนอก โดยวิธีสลายนิ่ว ด้วยคลื่นช็อคเวฟ ในโรงพยาบาลแพร่
Background: Urinary tract stones are a longstanding problem in Thailand, especially in the Northeast and the North. The trend is higher. Having kidney stones causes kidney function to deteriorate. And may be fatal to chronic renal failure and lead to end-stage renal disease, which leads to death.
Objective: To investigate the success rate treatment of renal stone by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in outpatients at Phrae Hospital.
Study design: A cross sectional analytical study was conducted in patients with upper urinary tract disease who received service in the outpatient department. Urology surgery between September and November 2016. Data collection from medical records. KUB film or ultrasound KUB results. The results of laboratory tests. OPD card and information from the ESWL room. Collected data are age, homeland, comorbidities, treatment before decay, size and location of stone, radiographic outcomes of stones. The number of times the stones break. The complications, treatment changes. Describe the data by descriptive statistics. Data were analyzed by using the exact probability test to test the difference between the location of the stones and the size of the stones. Compared with the success of stone free.
Result: Upper urinary tract stone disease in outpatient department performed in 109 patients. Male: Female: 2: 1. Most of age are in 50-60 years. Kidney stones in this study size 11-20 mm (51-20%). Ureteral stones in this study size <10 mm(60.0%) (p = 0.024). patient with renal stones have been treatment with ESWL 3 times or more, 70.2%. Success of ureteral stones have been treatment with ESWL in one time is 48.0 % (p = 0.001)
Conclusion: Treatment of Kidney stone and ureteral stone by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in outpatient patient Phrae hospital is good especially kidney stone size < 20 mm and ureteral stone size < 10 mm. Because success rate of stone free after treatment about 60% in kidney stone, 84% in ureteral stone and patient not have severe complication.
Keywords: ESWL, urinary tract stone, success rate