Result of the initial relief in case that the beneficiaries are subjected to damage caused by any health services according to The National Health Security law = ผลการดำเนินงานการจ่ายเงินช่วยเหลือเบื้องต้นกรณีผู้รับบริการได้รับความเสียหายจากบริการสาธารณสุขตามกฎหมายว่าด้วยหลักประกันสุขภาพแห่งชาติ
Background: Medical services damage is the most common occurrence in all countries. Section 41 of the National Health Security Act B.E.2545 preliminary monetary assistance in case a service recipient is damaged by the medical treatment, according to the National Health Security rights. Tak Provincial Public Health Office preliminary assistance to reimburse beneficiaries and this shall be pursuant to such rules, procedures, and conditions.
Objective: To study the results of preliminary assistance and examine the relationship between degree of damage and the initial relief for the patients who received adverse medical practice from health service under the National Health Security Act B.E.2545.
Study Design: A cross-sectional study of 41 complaint and preliminary monetary assistance patients was conducted by using data of who received adverse medical practice from health services of all hospitals in Tak Province from January 2005 to March 2016. Data collectedfrom provide payment of preliminary assistance to a beneficiary including a complaint, a beneficiary who is subject to damage or injury caused by any service, service accessibility, type of damage data and the Board’s consideration. Data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics. Associations were examined using Spearman correlation coefficients.
Results: The results revealed that during the specific period, in case a service recipient is damaged by the medical treatment were 0-76 years, 58.5% of the injured were in the service of obstetrics and Gynecology unit and 61 % occurred in community hospitals. The preliminary monetary assistance in 32 case service recipients, the maximum amount to pay was 396,000 baht, the minimum was 10,000 baht, and 53.1% were classified to the first level of disability or death. When considering the relationship between the degree of damage and the initial relief, it found that the degree of damage was negatively correlated with the amount to pay for initial relief. The correlation coefficient was -0.68.
Conclusions: Tak Province Public Health Office can apply the research results to develop and support preliminary assistance, and improve services process in order to relief the damage caused by any health services for the beneficiaries case.
Key words: preliminary monetary assistance, medical services damage, The National Health Security law