Results of an Emergency Medical Services Systems Development Model at the Scene of Wangthong Hospital in Phitsanulok Province
Emergency medical service systems at the scene, Malcolm baldrige national quality awardAbstract
Background: Management and service organization of the emergency medical services systems at the scene are critical to the survival and quality of life of people with chronic illnesses. It is important to evaluate and analyze the situation of the service system in order to know the problems and obstacles and to find solutions to develop an effective emergency medical service system.
Aimed: The aim of this study was to develop a emergency medical service systems at the scene of Wangthong Hospital in Phitsanulok Province under the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA). The emergency medical service plan was put into the practical by applying to develop systems. The efficiency of the plan was investigated with regard to quality tools i.e., Why-Why Analysis, Critical-to-Quality and Service Quality Model.
Methodology: This study was research and development and was conducted in four stages. The samples in this study research were people who have been injured in emergency medical services at the scene of the accident of the Wangthong Hospital in Phitsanulok Province during 1 September, 2017 to 31 January, 2018. The instruments used for data collection were emergency medical service plan, skill test, and satisfaction interviews. Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations were computed, and t-test dependent was used to compare post-test and criteria means.
Results: The findings were as follows: 1) the developed emergency medical service systems at the scene of Wangthong Hospital consisted of nine components; 1) get notified, 2) inquiries for information 3) assess the situation to work out. 4) Reporting command center5) operations of ALS Team 6) operations of FR team and others, 7) assess the situation at the scene. And ask for help 8) first aid and transport of injured persons according to severity level, and 9) Report the situation to the emergency room. 2) The quality of the systems checked by experts was good. 3) The results of the experiment showed that the emergency medical service systems following the stage were smooth. The emergency medical service team’ service in 9 steps after the intervention was significantly higher than criteria at 0.01. 4) The level of satisfaction towards the emergency medical service of emergency medical service team and the injured were at a high level.
Discussion and conclusion: It can be confidently concluded that the emergency medical service systems at the scene development procedure outlined here in is suitable and can be applied successfully. The model developed by this work can be applied to other service units to increase the efficiency of the service.
Keywords: Emergency medical service systems at the scene, Malcolm baldrige national quality award
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