Call for Papers

Journal Title: Public Health Innovation Research and Development [PHIRD]

Journal Abbreviation: Public Health Innov R&D

Free access online:   3 issues per year (January-April, May-August, September-December)

Language: English, Thai

Public Health Innovation Research and Development is a Thai national and international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of public health. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.

  • ISSN: xxxx-xxxx (Print)
  • ISSN: xxxx-xxxx (Online)
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Aims and Scope:

The subject areas (Health Promotion, Prevention, Treatment, Rehabilitation) include, but are not limited to the following fields:

  • Gis and Public Health
  • Global Health
  • Health Care Delivery
  • Health Care Providers
  • Health Economics
  • Health Education
  • Health Policy
  • Health Services
  • Infectious Disease
  • Insurance Medicine
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Occupational Health
  • Public Health Programs
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Behavioral Health
  • Behavioral Medicine
  • Community Health
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Environmental Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Biostatistics
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Allied Health Sciences
  • etc. (Related to public health)

Focus and Scope of Public Health Innovation Research and Development (PHIRD) are results of one/two/three/four steps of Research and Development (R&D) for both true-experimental and quasi-experimental as details which consist of

  1. An analogue model is a model that uses metaphorical analogy, which is a concrete, to create an understanding of abstract phenomena, such as a model for predicting the number of students going into the school system which deduce the idea from opening water in and releasing water from the tank, the students that are logged in can compare to the water that opens from the tank. Therefore, students who remain in the system are equal to students who have logged in, minus students who have logged out, etc.
  2. A semantic model is a form of language that is used to describe or describe phenomena studied in language, chart, or picture to see the structure, ideas, elements, and relationships of the elements of that phenomenon, such as the teaching style, etc.
  3. A mathematical model is a form that uses mathematical equations as a medium for expressing the relationships of various variables. This type of form is commonly used in both psychology and education including educational administration as well.
  4. A causal model is a model developed from a technique called Path Analysis and the principles of creating a Semantic Model by bringing the variables together with cause and effects, such as The Standard Deprivation Model, which shows the relationship between the conditions socioeconomic of parents, educational environment at home and the intelligence level of the child, etc.

Notes for Contributors: Public Health Innovation Research and Development (PHIRD) is published by the Research and Development in Public Health Club (RDPHC) under the authorization of Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Phitsanulok to serve the interests of both Thai and international social scientists and researchers. The aim is to publish high quality research papers in various areas of public health Innovation of Health Systems, such as health service delivery, health workforce, health information, essential medicines, health financing, leadership and governance, participation, and etc. The Journal is published as a periodical, with three issues annually in April, August and December, and is distributed both within Thailand and overseas. Contributions to the Journal can be made as either a research article or a review article.

  1. A research article presents new knowledge and issues discovered from research
    originally conducted by the authors.
  2. A review article elaborates on particular matters grounded from scholarly analysis and synthesis, with accurate references, of a wide range of sources, including theories, concepts and research publications.

Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit or recommend articles to our journals. Please refer to the following publishing advantages for detail:

  • Easy Online Manuscript Submission System
  • Fair, Rigorous Peer Review Process
  • Rapid Publication Process
  • Helpful and Responsive Service
  • The Widest Dissemination
  • Compliant with open access policies
  • Indexed in bibliographic databases (e.g. TCI, ACI, etc.) in the future
  • Organize special issues periodically
  • Authorized Editorial Board
  • Provide a common platform for all the members

Manuscripts to be considered for publication have to be submitted online. If you are experiencing difficulties during the submission process, please feel free to contact the editor at
Yours sincerely,
Editorial Team
Public Health Innovation Research and Development