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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 16-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Managing the Compilation of a Journal

Objective: In order to ensure that the publication of the primary health care journal (northeastern edition), maintains quality and standards, the editorial board has established operational guidelines as follows:

  1. The editorial board is updated regularly. To cover academic work in health sciences and related fields The editorial committee will come from various agencies. both inside and outside the northeastern regional center for primary health care development various academic departments in the Ministry of Public Health and academics from universities both in Thailand and abroad. In addition, experts in various fields were invited. from many educational institutions as manuscript evaluation groups or reviewers of primary public health journals (Northeast)
  2. Primary Public Health Journal (Northeastern Edition) accepts articles from various academics in all content related to health sciences. Articles that wish to be published Must not have been published before. The format follows the guidelines set by the journal. And it complies with the ethical requirements for publishing work in academic journals (Publication ethics). Details on the guidelines for manuscript preparation and ethical requirements can be found on the website of the Journal of Primary Health Care. (Northeast Region) here or from the journal in issue 1 of every year
  3. The journal will adhere to the principles of ethics in publishing articles in academic journals. The original articles produced by the Primary Health Journal Division (Northeast Region) received will go through the following process.
  • 3.1 Initial qualification check By the School of Journal Management If the documents are incomplete It will notify the owner of the article to make corrections and resend the original.
  • 3.2 Screened manuscripts will be forwarded to the editor. To assess quality and consider finding suitable people to evaluate or review articles (Reviewers)
  • 3.3 Each original article will be sent to a committee of at least two qualified editors (Peer Reviewers) to evaluate and make recommendations to the editor. Peer Reviewers will be academics with expertise in The academic content related to the manuscript by experts (Peer Reviewers) must come from an organization that is not related to the organization of the article owner. And when submitting the original article to peer reviewers, the name and organization of the article owner will be hidden.
  • 3.4 Peer Reviewers will receive advice from the Primary Public Health Journal Management Department. (Northeastern Region) consider articles according to the criteria set by the journal editorial board. Such criteria will require that comments be summarized to the editor. To continue the original article in one of three ways:
  • (1) Consider that the article is of good quality. and should be published without the need for significant corrections.
  • (2) The article is of reasonable quality. and can be improved and should be published after corrections have been made Both give suggestions on areas that need to be corrected. To notify the author to make further improvements or
  • (3) The article is not of good quality. Does not create new knowledge and should not be published
  • 3.5 When the experts (Peer Reviewers) have considered the original article. The results of consideration along with the reviewed manuscript will be returned to the Primary Public Health Journal Management Department. (Northeast)
  1. The editor will collect comments and suggestions from three experts (Peer Reviewers) and will coordinate with the article owner. To notify the results of consideration and make adjustments In the case that the manuscript needs to be revised, the owner of the article will not know the names of the experts (Peer Reviewers).
  2. Complete original article It will be published soon, according to the Primary Public Health Journal Management Department. (Northeast Region) will notify the author in advance that the original article In which edition will it be printed?
  3. Original articles ready for publication. It will be done according to the format of the journal. Then the Primary Public Health Journal Management Department (Northeast Region) will send it to the owner of the original article to check the accuracy and completeness of the content for the last time. and when the inspection has been received It will be used to organize page numbers for further printing and dissemination.

Criteria and recommendations for submitting articles for publication in the Journal of Primary Public Health (Northeastern Edition)

           Journal of Primary Public Health (Northeastern Region) Journal of Primary Health Care (Northeastern Edition) publishes articles in health sciences. Medicine and public health and related content Scheduled to publish 3 issues per year (every 4 months) Issue 1 (January - April), Issue 2 (May - August), Issue 3 (September - December), accepting articles in Thai or English. and distribute the format online through the journal's website at

  1. Article type
  • 1.1 Academic Article
  • 1.2 Research Article
  • 1.3 Innovation Article
  1. Manuscript preparation following instructions Used for preparing original academic articles. But many of the topics are used for other types of articles as well. Those interested can study the format of each type of article in the journal's previously published editions.
  • 2.1 Title should be short and concise. and convey the main goals of the study. Do not use abbreviations. The length must not exceed 100 characters. The title must be in Thai and English.
  • 2.2 Name of author There are both Thai and English names. (Do not use abbreviations) Specify the department or place where the author works and specify the name and e-mail address of the author used to contact them.
  • 2.3 Abstract (Abstract) is a summary of the content according to the project project of the article, including the introduction, study materials and methods, study results, and criticism. Approximately 250-300 words. Use concise language in complete sentences. It has meaning in itself, no need to search for meaning further. There should be no abbreviations. An abstract must be written in both Thai and English.
  • 2.4 Key words (Key words) are placed at the end of the abstract. Available in both Thai and English. It is a topic heading to help you search for articles using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms of the U.S. National Library of Medicine as a guide for keywords or keywords.
  • 2.5 Introduction (Introduction) is the part of the article that tells the reasons leading to the study. This is the part that explains the problem, its nature, and size. It leads to the need for effective research to solve the problem or answer the set question. If there is a theory that needs to be used in the study The basis may be laid in this section. But there is no need to review the literature. that are not related to the aims of the study and include the objectives of the study at the end of the introduction.
  • 2.6 Study methods (Methods or Material and Methods) specify the study plan format (Study design, Protocol) such as Randomized double blind, Descriptive or Quasi-experiment. sample group Sampling methods such as simple random sampling. multi-step method Method or measure studied (Interventions) such as study design, treatment, type and dosage of drugs used. If it is a commonly known measure Specify in the reference document if it is a new method. Explain to readers so they can understand and use it further. Specify clearly and concisely the tools or equipment and principles used in quantitative or qualitative studies, including data collection tools such as questionnaires and reliability tests. Data collection method Data analysis methods and statistics used Including obtaining approval from the research ethics review committee.
  • 2.7 Study results (Results) clearly show the results found according to the topics of the study plan. They are easy to see if the results are not complicated and do not have many numbers and are described in prose. But if the number is large Many variables should use tables or charts. Without having to explain the numbers in the table again in the story. Except for important information Interpret the findings or analyze and draw conclusions against limited assumptions.
  • 2.8 Discussion of results (Discussion) presents a critique of the results of the study to see if they match the objectives and assumptions of the research. Or is it different from the work that has been reported before? How? Why is that so? Criticize results that are not as expected without concealment. May express preliminary opinions based on their experience or information. to describe the parts that stand out and are especially different There should be a conclusion that Do the results match the research objectives or not? Give suggestions on how to use the research results or provide questions that should be researched further.
  • 2.9 Tables, Figures and Charts There should not be too many tables or figures in an article. The optimum number is 1 - 5 tables or pictures. with the order and name of the table or image at the top. The images used should be very clear. It can be a diagram, drawing, photograph, or graph made from a computer program. Even though the picture is included in the article It should also be sent as a separate file.
  • 2.10 References (References) is a collection of lists of documents used to reference text in the story. References from the American Psychological Association 7th edition (APA) citation system will be arranged in the endnotes section. References in the content must be consistent with those in the bibliography at the end of every article. Learn more at
  1. Article format
  • 3.1 Print using Microsoft Word, no more than 12 pages on A4 paper.
  • 3.2 Font TH SarabanPSK. Heading size is 16 Point (bold). Content uses size 16 Point (Normal).
  • 3.3 Use Arabic numerals throughout the article.
  1. Submitting articles
  • 4.1 Submit articles via the online system at
  • 4.2 Send the article as a Word file with a CD. In the form of an official document, specifying your name, address, and telephone number. and the author's email address clearly and pay the envelope to the editorial team of the Journal of Primary Public Health. (Northeast Region) Primary Health Development Center Northeastern Region, No. 89 Anamai Road, Nai Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province, Postal Code 40000

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