Health Promotion Pattern in Pregnant Woman and Children in State Quarantine During Covid-19 Regional Health Promotion Center 6
Health promotion, pregnancy, children, Covid-19Abstract
The purposes of this research were to examine the situation and develop health promotion model in pregnant women and child, who were vulnerable population, in state quarantine that had no previous report in Thailand. The research instruments were the action research study in all pregnant women and child in state quarantine of Region Health Promotion Center 6 by purposive sampling by action plan (PAOR) consists of 4 parts: 1) Planning: the health care profession and multidisciplinary teams had researched and discussion 2) Action: the participants answered online questionnaire, health care team analyzed, phone interviewed and obtained additional information for self-study, support iron supplement and developmental toys and transferred information back to quarantine care team 3) Observe: collected and analyzed information 4) Reflection and revision of health promotion model periodically. Evaluation was performed by collected data from electronic databases of questionnaire and in dept phone interview reports. The quantitative data analysis was used descriptive statistics such as percentage, average and paired t-test. The qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.
The research results revealed that the total number of participants were 1,332 cases, there were children more than pregnant women in 2:1. The pregnant women had no visit antenatal care was 57.40% and 1:3 had no pregnancy pills even though mostly were in second trimester. The majority of children had normal nutritional status and obesity was found higher than report. The results showed significantly increasing in post-test of health information self-study of pregnant women (P-value<.001) and all participant was satisfy. The health promotion model with telemedicine in pregnant women and child, who are vulnerable, encourages efficiency in health promotion and health care system especially in pandemic, which had limitation on access to health care service. We suggest to develop health care service technology system which is safe for health care providers and recipients. Further study should improve online health information, accuracy of questionnaires, service technology system.
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