Development of Environmental Health in the Ministry of Public Health to Support Sustainable Development Goals
Environmental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Thailand National Strategy 2018-2037Abstract
This qualitative study was conducted by using documentary research technique, focus groups and in-depth interview (high level administrators within MOPH and environmental health experts from outside). This study aimed for policy proposal to develop environmental health measures under responsibility of MOPH to support global and national sustainable development goals. It is proposed that the Ministry shall target on SDG 3 “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” with more focus on 4 areas of environmental health (1) air pollution and health (2) water, sanitation and hygiene (3) climate change and health and (4) hazardous chemicals and toxic waste and health. Five proposed key measures are: 1) Revise structure and mechanism within the Ministry to include 4 areas of environmental health. Integrate into primary prevention or other public health plan as appropriate. Support leading role of MOPH and to ensure public health services continue even under disaster situation. Focus more on collaboration role with other sectors to prevent environmental harmful to the people, and prevent transferring cost to health sector. 2) Promote regulatory measure under the Public Health Act and expand to cover new environmental health issues and life style that has been changed. 3) Leverage environmental health data system (esp. WASH in households, schools, and health care facilities) to be national level in order to monitor progress towards achieving SDGs, and gathering environmental health infrastructure dataset. Promote integration of environment monitoring system and health surveillance system and analyze data for public literacy. 4) Promote human resource development and resource allocation to ensure the new direction is on track. Support health personnel’s awareness raising of their impact on environment, health and climate change. Develop personnel competencies aimed for tracking environmental health changes due to other sectors’ policies, technological and life styles change. 5) Create evidence-based to present impacts of environmental factors on burden of diseases, economic cost and others. Promote development of various kinds of measures to prevent environmental pollution at their root, as well as incentive measures. Encourage knowledge management, research and innovation development in response to new environmental health risk, including local wisdoms and best practices. This research will support achieving the global and national sustainable development goals on the role of Ministry of Public Health within the timeframe.
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