Happiness of personnel In hospital Under the personnel In the Provincial Health Office, Phichit 2019


  • สมหมาย ล้อศิริรัตน์



           Research. Happiness of personnel In hospital under the personnel in the Provincial Health Office, Phichit 2019) "this survey research conducted by using the Happynometer program of the Ministry of Health, which is a tool for collecting data of public health personnel from all 12 hospitals under the Phichit Provincial Health Office. The data was collected on the personnel worked during 1 October 2018 - until 30 September 2019, with the objective to study the happiness of public health personnel in hospitals under the Phichit Provincial Health Office from the Happynometer program of the Ministry of Public Health in 2019, and compare the differences between basic personal data and the happiness level of the health personnel in the hospitals under the Provincial Health Office in Phichit. The data was analyzed by using the statistical method of measuring the central tendency, such as the mean and standard deviation (SD), and the statistics used to test the hypotheses with t-test and Anova. The research show that most of sample are women for 70.2-79.8 per cent. For the general hospital, their ages rather similar, while for the large community hospital(M2), their ages were during 41-50 years ole, and the small and medium community hospital (F2 and F3), their ages were during 20-30 years old. For the education of the samples, most of them were graduated with bachelor’s degrees for more than 50%. Their status mostly married for 48.7 -59.8%. Mostly, the sample were working as personal service. Their salary was during 10k -20k. In 9 dimensions of happiness, found that the dimensions of happiness in which most of the personnel are lower than 60 percent, namely the Happy Body dimension 25.9-43.9 percent Happy Relax dimension 34.8-60.4 percent Happy Family 27.7-51.9% Happu Society 23.8% - 54.2% Happy Dimension 31.3% - 54.4% Happy Dimension Money spending is ( Happy Money) 45.0% -69.7% Happy in the dimension of good work (Happy Work-Life) 24.8% -58.5%. The dimension of happiness in which most personnel have higher levels of happiness is 60% such as the Happy Heart and Happy Soul in the range of 70-79%. The average of the average happiness (Average Happy) is mostly in the range of 60-69 percent. The hypothesis testing found that public health personnel with difference dimension of basic personal data, such as age, gender, marital status, education level Job characteristics or average monthly income, will have different levels of happiness in each dimention. At a confidence level of 95 percent (statistically significant at 0.05). Conclusion of the test, the hypothesis is true.


Keywords: Happiness of personnel In hospital





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