Blood Donor Care and Blood Donor Reaction
Donor vigilance is used to improve the quality of blood donation service and donor safety. Objective: To monitor donor adverse reactions after donation and develop blood donor care. Methods: The data of blood donor reaction were collected from Hospital Blood Bank, Police General Hospital and the Mobile Blood Donation Unit during October 1, to September 30, 2021 for 3 years. A total blood donors were 4,353 which were from Hospital Blood Bank (3,187 cases) and the Mobile Blood Donation Unit (1,166 cases). All blood donors were eligible for blood donation and passed the standard screening of National Blood Centre Thai Red Cross Society. The data of blood donor reaction were collected during, and after donation. Result: There were 4,353 donors who participated in this study. Specifically, 3,187 cases (73.21%) donated at Hospital Blood Bank and 1,166 cases (26.79%) at the Mobile Blood Donation Unit, respectively. The ADR occurred to 56 donors (1.29%).Most of the incidences were seen in the donation room 15 cases (0.47%) and the mobile unit 41 cases (3.51%). Local ADR was found in 9 donors (0.20%). The most common local ADR was blood outside vessels which occurred to 6 donors (0.51%).Vasovagal reaction (VVR) was found in 47 donors (1.07%).Mild, moderate and severe VVR were found in 0.89, 0.13 and 0.04%, respectively. Moreover, most of the ARD incidences were seen in females and first-time donors. Conclusion: The results revealed that the number of adverse events in blood donors at the mobile unit was greater than those who donated at Hospital Blood Bank, Police General Hospital. Most of the ARD incidences were seen in first-time donors rather than the regular blood donors. However, the donor information will improve blood donor care and further development. To campaign and motivate people to be repeated donors in long term is making impression and perception toward blood donation.
Keywords : blood donor, blood donation, blood donor reaction