The Evaluation Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) Songkhla Province


  • สุจิตร คงจันทร์



           This research was The Evaluation Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) in Songkhla. The sample were 175 places by using work manual for Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) between 2017-2019. The purposes of this research were to identify : 1) study result Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) 2) compare result Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) by the year 2018 – 2019 and by size 3) study key success factors and identify the problems, obstacles in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital). This research was combined as quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative data collected were used secondary data from the Evaluation Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital). The quanlitative data collected were analyzed using and interview Administration group such as District Public Health Office and The director of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital. Operation group such as health worker. The statistic for quantitative research were frequency, percentage, mean and standard diviation. Qualitative research was analyzed by content analysis

           The results of the study revealed that the quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) operated from 2560 to 2562 (7.43% - 62.29% - 30.29%).Total passed cumulative criteria 100 %.Compare result Quality improvement criteria of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) by the year 2018 – 2019 and by size of 162 places found that the year 2018 composed of 109 places that get the star hospital (67.28%) and the year 2019 composed of 53 places that get the star hospital (32.72%). Compare by size in the year 2018 found that Tambon Health Promoting Hospital size L the most get the star hospital (87.50%), size M (67.05%) and size S (32.95%). The factors that affect success in the implementation of quality development of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) Songkhla were as follows : 1) the Corporate strategy (fixing goals, planning the operations and transferring into practice) 2) the organizational structure (functional grouping and duties assignment in a clear and pertinent way) 3) the operational system (managing in systematic way, cooperating with network partners 4) studying the evaluation process, analyzing and completing the missing elements, exchanging knowledge and learning operational methods, following the process and evaluating the operations  5) the knowledge, skills and abilities (personal have good knowledge, good skills and abilities workwise), take care by multidisciplinary team 6) the good organization of a convenient format (the director of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital (Star Hospital) Songkhla gives importance, encourages and urges the personal to work collaboratively and how important it is) 7) the personal must also hold common values, such as determination, devotion, sincerity, teamwork . For problems and obstacles, it appears that the lack of staffs to work, the budget is not enough, output of service is not coverage target and the criteria is composed of too many details.


Keywords: Evaluation, Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, Key success factors





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