The Effects of Sorapanya Praying and Meditation on Stress, Dysmenorrhea, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate
This research was the quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest – posttest, aimed to study the effect of Sorapanya praying and meditation on stress, dysmenorrhea, blood pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate. Fifty female first year nursing students at a university in Buriram Province were the sample group. The data were collected during August, 2022 to November, 2022. The research instruments included Sorapanya praying and meditation program, questionnaires to gather the data for demographic information, stress questionnaires, dysmenorrhea questionnaires, and form for the record of blood pressure, respiratory rates and pulse rates. The statistics for analyzing the data contained the descriptive statistics and the t-test.
The results from the study after participating the program implied that the stress scores in each aspect indicating that the panic of malfunction, appetite changes and feeling easily tired decreased lower than before participating the program with non-statistical significance (p<.05). The dysmenorrhea symptom lowered with non-statistical significance (p<.05). The systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly lowered than the pretest with the statistical significance level (p<.05). While the respiratory rates and heart rates, they got higher.
The recommendations enabled brining this program for the students with the panic of malfunction, appetite changes, and feeling easily tired, dysmenorrhea, high blood pressure for decreasing these symptoms.
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