Drug Allergy and Cross Reactivity between Drugs


  • Suluck Soontaros Department of Pharmacy


"Drug Allergy" is an adverse reaction caused by the body's immune reaction to a drug that is part  of an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR).     It is common, usually not severe. Symptoms are related to the dose used, while allergic reactions to drugs [Type B (Bizarre) ADR] are the result of the body's immune system reaction, which varies from person to person. However, there is currently pharmacogenetic data that can detect genetic variation that causes people who have received drugs into the body to respond to allergies to certain drugs.  Drug allergy Rare Symptoms are not related to the dose used, and there is a chance of mild to severe symptoms that can be fatal. Especially if you have received a drug with a history of allergies and then have a recurrent allergic reaction or intolerance to the same group.

Author Biography

Suluck Soontaros, Department of Pharmacy

Chonburi hospital


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2025-01-01 — Updated on 2025-01-05