Reasons for Delayed Claiming of Inpatient Care in Sappasitthiprasong Hospital - มูลเหตุของความล่าช้าในการส่งเบิกเงินค่ารักษาพยาบาล ผู้ป่วยใน ของโรงพยาบาลสรรพสิทธิประสงค์


  • Yuphin Chaiwetsakul Sappasitthiprasong Hospital
  • Aroon Chirawatkul Department of Biostatistics and Demography, Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University


delay claiming, inpatient care cost, medical record


This descriptive study was designed to find reasons for delayed claiming of inpatient care in Sappasitthiprasong Hospital. The population was inpatient medical records. Proportional allocation method was used for sample size determination. The required total of 7,251 records were estimated by proportional allocation for stratified random sampling. The information was gathered between July 1 and August 31 2004, and 11,571 records were gathered from registered records and inpatient medical records. Statistical inference such as estimations of total, average, confidence interval and rate of time process were applied using self-weighting estimate.

It was found that 28.4 percent of the claim samples were on time. Causes of the delay were 51.0 percent from assessment process and 20.6 percent from all steps in the process system.

In conclusion the delayed claiming which was believed caused by the summarization of medical records was in fact mainly the results of the slow data processing and paper work for claiming. Therefore, the entire system should be reconsidered in order to establish a new approach to solve the problem.


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How to Cite

ชัยเวชสกุล ย., & จิรวัฒน์กุล อ. (2021). Reasons for Delayed Claiming of Inpatient Care in Sappasitthiprasong Hospital - มูลเหตุของความล่าช้าในการส่งเบิกเงินค่ารักษาพยาบาล ผู้ป่วยใน ของโรงพยาบาลสรรพสิทธิประสงค์. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 15(6), 903–12. Retrieved from



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