The Use of Thai Traditional Medicine Services among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Community Hospitals, Pathum Thani Province, Thailand
Thai traditional medicine, type 2 diabetes patients, community hospital, service utilizationAbstract
Thai traditional medicine in community hospitals developed potential for more patients to use the service. This cross-sectional study aims to explain the rate of using Thai traditional medicine services (TTMS) among type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients in the community hospitals, Pathum Thani province and associated factors. A total of 260 T2DM patients at the out-patient department were randomly selected from two community hospitals. Data were collected by using a self-administered questionnaire during December 2020 to February 2021. The questionnaire of access to the service reliability was 0.87. The statistical analysis by using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and multiple logistic regression analysis, at 0.05 level of significance. The rate of use of TTMS among T2DM patients in community hospitals in last year was 27.3 %. In adjusted multiple logistic regression, access to the services (AOR=12.65, 95% CI 6.24-25.66), perceived TTMS (AOR=2.51, 95% CI 1.04-6.10), and unemployed (AOR=2.32, 95% CI 1.12-4.79) were significantly. In conclusion, the high rate of use the TTMS was found. For the recommendation, it is suggested that the policy makers at provincial level increase the use of TTMS and focus on improving access to the TTMS at the community hospitals in Pathum Thani province.
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