Long Term Care Utilization and Social Support Related to Quality of Life among Dependent Elderly in Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province
quality of life, dependent elderly, long term care utilization, social supportAbstract
This research was an analytical cross-sectional study with the objectives to study the quality of life of dependent elderly, to identify the association between personal characteristics and health status, long term care utilization, social support, and quality of life for dependent elderly, and to identify a prediction model for the quality of life of dependent elderly. Samples were 182 dependent elderlies in Chaiya district, Surat Thani province. The research instruments were adopted by other researchers, consisted of questionnaires on long-term care utilization, social support, and quality of life of dependent elderly questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-squared test, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that quality of life of dependent elderly was at moderate level (Mean=2.05, SD=0.31). Four factors were found to be significantly associated with the quality of life of dependent elderly (p<0.05): frequency of care given by caregivers, activities of daily living, number of falls in the past year, and social supports. Two significant predictors for quality of life among dependent elderly were number of falls in the past year and social support. Both factors could jointly predict the quality of life about 31.1 percent among dependent elderly (R2 =0.311). Based on key findings of the research, an action plan to prevent falls and mitigate decreased ability to perform daily activities should be developed and integrated into multi-sectorial and comprehensive social support and long-term care system to improve quality of life of dependent elderly.
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