Developmental Platform for Physical Therapy in Spondylosis Patient Narathiwat Hospital, Thailand
This research and development aimed to conduct the situation analysis and create, develop and evaluate a physical therapy guideline on pain in spondylosis patient at Narathiwat Hospital. The research made to perception and self management on pain in Spondylosis patients under orthopedic physical therapy management, managed by the inpatient department of Narathiwat Hospital, Narathiwat province. The study was performed in 4 steps. The first step was the situation analysis regarding from spondylosis patients, The second step was study previous physical therapy guideline in Spondylosis from physical therapy council, creating and drafting the guidline using the information from the first step, and the litherature review, the guidline was validated by 3 experts. The third step was and evaluation the effectiveness of the guidline. Data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. The results revealed that the problems physical therapy in spondylosis patients found patient unknown aggravating posture and activities management of daily life to easying pain from spondylosis so as a consequence improve pain and prolong treatment. They had unsuitable exercise to improve abnormal motion of the spines also need self exercise specific in spondylosis, the physical therapy decise acivities form for causing analysis of back pain. the cativities analysis form have componet is posture in acivity, first pain and self management forpain. Using physical examination and planing form with analysis by Visual analog scale and Oswestry assesment in befor and after. fter assesment my patient receive video and follow Smart Body by PT Nara Facebook fanpage. From assesment the physical therapy guidline in befor and after found that pain score and oswestry score relieve in statistical significance 0.001.
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