Development of a Service Management Model for Diabetic Patients, Sam Ngam District Health Network, Phichit Province
The study airmed to develop a model of diabetes patient service management of the Sam Ngam District Diabetes Care Network Phichit Province. The samples were a multidisciplinary health team network in caring for diabetics of 52 people, and diabetic patients registered in the diabetes care network at Sam Ngam Hospital, Sam Ngam district, Phichit Province. The Taro Yamane formula was used to calculate sample size at 95% confidence level, with an error of ±5%, resulting in a sample size of 278 individuals. The instruments used for data collection were the group discussion questionnaire and the assessment questionnaire for satisfaction of patients on the diabetic service. Qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis; and the quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results were as follows: (1) diabetes care networks at Sam Ngam Hospital, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province consisted of 8 networks focusing on passive services. The important problem was the condition of each patient with different complications which was not screened. There was a lack of follow-up when the patient was absent from medication, and the long waitng time at the hospital. As a result, patients were lack of treatment continuity. (2) Service delivery model waas developed under the concept of Sam Ngam SERVICES, which was a multidisciplinary service, both reactive and proactive. It placed emphasis on networking and community participation, volunteerism. The concept of the model was as follows: Sam Ngam= Diabetes Care Network of Sam Ngam District; S=Services - proactive service by multidisciplinary professionals, E=Empowerment - empowering network teams, patients and caregivers; R=Realtime - information-based services that were timely and always up-to-date; V=Volunteer - developing volunteers to monitor and educate people with diabetes and their caregivers; I=integration - combining care with multi-sector organizations; C=Community - emphasis on community collaboration; E=Engagement - care guidelines, follow-up, consensual development; and S=Smiles - smile service. (3) The effectiveness of the pattern was observed. Diabetes patients had a high level of satisfaction with the service management model (Mean=4.06, SD=0.736). It was found that the follow-up outcome of the health care team was very high (Mean=4.18, SD=0.705). The results of this research suggest that the model can be used in other similar diseases.
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