Satisfaction of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccination at the COVID-19 Vaccination Center at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Thailand


  • Rattanaporn Saelim Nursing Department, Hospital for Tropical Diseases
  • Chaweewan Pengruksa Nursing Department, Hospital for Tropical Diseases
  • Napid Wadmanee Nursing Department, Hospital for Tropical Diseases
  • Srivilai Saenglertsilapachai Nursing Department, Hospital for Tropical Diseases
  • Benjawan Kwangdang Quality Improvement Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Thailand


satisfaction, COVID-19 vaccination center, COVID-19 vaccination


The objective of this study was to assess the satisfaction of people receiving COVID-19 vaccination service at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases. The samples were 320 individuals who received the vaccination on 1 June 2022 and also receiving repeated doses. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, and were analyzed by descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. It was found that the satisfaction on the service process and procedure was at highest level (mean=4.71, SD=0.39). The service duration was appropriate, fast, not complicated and was impressed by their relatives. For the nursing service, the satisfaction was at highest level (mean=4.70, SD=0.40). Nurses spoke politely and friendly and dressed professionally. The nurses also provided a clear explanation and introduction of process and procedure; performing task with caution to every case of service recipients. For service quality, the satisfaction was at highest level (mean=4.68, SD=0.40). The nurses had excellent skills and expertise to give the injections without feeling pain. As a result, it reduced anxiety and fear for the service recipients to get the subsequent doses. There was no vaccination complication which made the results acceptable and reliable. In terms of facilities, the overall satisfaction was at highest level (mean=4.70, SD=0.46). The place was clean and neat. People received fast and appropriate services to meet their needs. There was a channel to provide feedback and suggestions for the services. The only one suggestion from the service recipients was the lack of parking space, which would be presented to the executives to find out the solutions.


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How to Cite

แซ่ลิ้ม ร., เพ็งรักษา ฉ., วัดมณี ณ., แสงเลิศศิลปชัย ศ., & แขวงแดง เ. (2024). Satisfaction of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccination at the COVID-19 Vaccination Center at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Thailand. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 33(4), 630–638. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)