A Case Study: Mass Vaccination Services Outside Health Centers, for Achieving Herd Immunity at Central Vaccination Center, Bangkok
The global spreading of COVID-19 infection is the causes of the increasing number of infected cases. Mass vaccination is necessary to reduce the severity and mortality of the disease. In Thailand, the Central Vaccination Center (CVC) was set up under the corporation of Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Transportation; and the service started from 24 May 2021 to 30 September 2022. This study was conducted as a retrospective operational research to assess the operation of the CVC. Overall, the number of vaccination doses, both the first and the booster, at the Center was 6,378,566. October 2021 was the month with the highest number of vaccination. The average waiting time for each accination recipient was 12.94±14.03 minutes. The average waiting time of age group 12-59 years and age group of 60 years and above were 12.5±13.8 minutes and 14.5±14.8 minutes, respectively, with the difference of 1.97 minutes (p<0.05) at 95% CI:-2.14 to -1.79. There were 63 cases requiring emergency medical care after vaccination; and were referred to hospital for further investigation and specific treatments. The incidence of such events occurred at 0.001% of the cases (or 0.99 per 100,000 population). There was no mortality case reported. In conclusion, the operation at the CVC was effective and efficient, and could be a sustainable model for mass vaccination services.
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