Quality of Life of Opium Addicts after Treatment and Rehabilitation at Drop-in Center: Case Study the Expansion of the Royal Project for Sustainable Problem-Solving of the Opium Cultivation Areas


  • Sumnao Nilaban Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Yaowares Nakayotinsakul Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Ladda Khobthong Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Sukuma Sangdueanchai Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Thanya Singto Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Sasiton Koontham Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Nantana Inprom Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand
  • Sarayuth Boonchaipanitwattana Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand


quality of life, opium addicts, harm reduction


This descriptive research aimed to study the quality of life and compare quality of life for opium addicts after treatment and rehabilitation at drop-in centres. The purposive sampling was the method of selecting a sample group for this study. The sample group of 565 people was the opium addicts who used health service at drop-in centres in six districts in Thailand consist of Chai Prakan, Chiang Dao, Wiang Haeng, Mae Taeng, Omkoi, and Mae Ramat. The quality of life questionnaire for opium addicts was used as a tool for collecting data. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one way ANOVA with scheffe’s method. It was found that (1) the quality of life for opium addicts after treatment and rehabilitation at drop-in centres showed that the overall result was at high level (average value=3.65). The results of well-being, psychological and emotional, social and health section were also high (average value=3.68-3.83). The results of career and income section were at moderate level (average value=3.21). (2) Opium addicts with different gender, occupation, income and duration of the receiving service at drop-in centers had significantly different quality of life (p<0.05).


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How to Cite

นิลบรรพ์ ส., นาคะโยธินสกุล เ., ขอบทอง ล., แสงเดือนฉาย ส., สิงโต ธ., คุณธรรม ศ., อินทรพรหม น., & บุญชัยพานิชวัฒนา ส. (2023). Quality of Life of Opium Addicts after Treatment and Rehabilitation at Drop-in Center: Case Study the Expansion of the Royal Project for Sustainable Problem-Solving of the Opium Cultivation Areas. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(3), 502–513. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/14233



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)