Comparison between the Royal Thai Traditional Massage with and without the Maneeveda Exercise among Patients with Frozen Shoulder at Dontum Hospital, Nakhonpathom Province
frozen shoulder patients, the Royal Thai traditional massage, Maneeveda exerciseAbstract
Currently, Maneeveda exercise is applied for the treatment of some health problems such as office syndromes and frozen shoulder and that can increase flexibility and strength of the muscle. This quasiexperimental research aimed to compare between the Royal Thai traditional massage with the Maneeveda exercise and the Royal Thai traditional massage alone. The samples were 60 patients with frozen shoulder visiting Dontum Hospital. They were equally divided into two groups. Both groups were matched to have similar characteristics (matched pair) including gender, age and pain level of the shoulder muscles. The control group was 30 patients obtaining only the Royal Thai traditional massage and the experimental group was 30 patients taking the combination of the Royal Thai traditional massage and the Maneeveda exercise. Both groups had six treatments for two weeks. The experimental too was a goniometer used to measure the degree of shoulder joint movement. The instruments for data collection included a record form on the pain level and degree of shoulder joint movement and the form for satisfaction assessment. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (paired sample t-test and independent t-test). Comparison on the results between before and after treatment showed that that the experimental group had significant decline of pain level and increase of shoulder joint movement degree compared to the control group (p<0.05). The research concluded that the combination treatment of the Royal Thai traditional massage and Maneeveda exercise could provide better outcomes for reducing the pain and increasing the degree of joint movement when compared to the single treatment with the Royal Thai traditional massage.
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