Evaluation Research Project of Developing Personnel Potential Treatment among Urological Problem and Breast Cancer Patients at Rasisalai Hospital
project evaluation, urology, breast cancer, screeningAbstract
This evaluation research aimed to assess the results of the project on developing personnel potential for the treatment and care for patients with urological illnesses and breast cancer at Rasisalai Hospital, Sisaket Province, using the CIPP model consists of 4 aspects: context or environment, inputs, process and products. The study was conducted in a sample group of 950 participants who were medical personnel (50 persons) and patients with urinary tract problems and breast cancer (900 cases). The research tools consisted of (1) a workshop on project plan, (2) an assessment on knowledge and skills practice, and (3) a satisfaction assessment. Data were collected between January 2021 – September 2022; and were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results showed that (1) project context or environment was at high level (Mean=3.8, SD=0.7), (2) project inputs was at high level (Mean=3.9, SD=0.6), (3) project process at medium level (Mean=3.0, SD=0.6), and (4) productivity aspect was at high level (Mean=3.6, SD=0.2). Among the participating patients, 77.5% were with urinary system illnesses and 22.5% with breast abnormalities, of whom 3.2% had breast cancer and 96.8% ad benign tumors. Among the participating personnel 84.0% had high level of knowledge on the case management, and 82.0% were able to perform screening, history taking, and advice on the treatment of urinary tract diseases and breast cancer at a good practice level. The satisfaction on the project was at high level (Mean=4.8, SD=0.4). As for the efficiency assessment, the overall medical examination time was lower than than 4 hours. The patients were able to get tested closer to home and received more comprehensive care. The results of this research reflect the approaches for organizing and evaluating projects in terms of context, inputs, processes, output, and efficiency. This approach can improve case finding, treatment, knowledge, and practice in serving patients with urinary tract illnesses and breast abnormalities.
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