Surveillance Evaluation of Toxic Effects of Pesticides in Agricultural Area, Chumphon Buri District, Surin Province, Thailand, 2019-2021
Surveillance system, pesticide poisoning, Surin, pesticideAbstract
In Thailand, public policy and laws limiting pesticide use have been enforced since 2019. Pesticide poisoning surveillance system was established with an aim to monitor the impact of pesticides on health but little is known about its utility or validity. In Chumphon Buri, a well-known agricultural district with extensive pesticide use, we aimed to evaluated the performance of the surveillance system and estimated the proportion of service access among farmers in nearby communities. We applied mixed methods to evaluate the surveillance system in five public hospitals in Chumphon Buri between 2019 and 2021. We interviewed 24 purposively selected stakeholders to describe the system and assess the system’s qualitative attributes. The patient records in National Health Data Center (HDC) were compared against the records in the local Hospital Information System (HIS) to evaluate quantitative attributes. We collected medical records in the HIS using ICD-10 related to pesticide poisoning (T60.0-T60.9) and text searching for pesticides’ names. We interviewed 43 farmers in nearby villages to assess the coverage of health service access by convenience sampling. A total of 277 medical records were reviewed; and 97 records met the reported definition. Among the five hospitals in the district, the reporting coverage ranged between 0% and 66%. Positive predictive value ranged between 81% and 100%. The surveillance system had simple process for data recording. However, the ICD-10 coding was complex, and needed much experience from coders. Stability, flexibility and acceptability of the system were quite satisfying. Usefulness was fair because of difficulty in accessing the data. Records in HDC did not mirror the seasonal pattern during harvesting season (May-July) found in HIS. The proportion of service access among farmers who were exposed to pesticide was 11%. It might be caused by the mildness of symptoms that made patients preferring self-care to facility-based care. Low coverage of the surveillance system was likely to originate from inappropriate ICD-10 coding. Campaigns for increasing knowledge and raising awareness of hospital staff in charge of ICD-10 coding should be done. The risk communication strategies during harvesting season (May-July) should be strengthened.
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