The Lessons Learned of COVID-19 Patients Journey in Providing Health Care Services in Health Region 9
lesson learned, receiving health services, patients with COVID-19 infection, 9th Public Health RegionAbstract
This research purpose was to explore the lessons learned of COVID-19 patients journey in providing health care services in health region 9. Data were collected using a qualitative methodology. The sample groups in qualitative research were health care providers and health service recipients selected through purposive sampling, with a total of 12 persons/group, and 12 health service recipients who experienced receiving health care services and recovering from COVID-19. The instrument used was an interview from the sample group in quantitative research who were the health care providers at both administrator and operational levels and health service recipients by purposive sampling, Analysing data was conducted by content analysis. The results of the study were as follows: (1) the perception of information from the public health unit for use in family and community disease prevention found the main issues as follows: (1.1) promotion strategies, the perception of information from public health agencies for preventing diseases in families and communities consisted of the use of digital technology, direct communication with the public, forward authoritative documentation from governments, community leaders and health volunteers knock on the door, and COVID-19 Information Center, (1.2) building awareness of information for sustainable disease prevention, create an understanding not to panic but to be aware, promote knowledge, competency, self-care, creating awareness of information correctly, and creating responsibility for a new norm of life; (2) access to the first point of receiving health services for COVID-19 patients was promoted through operation of services in a proactive and reactive form through an integrated network of government, local and private sectors; (3) on the assessment and detection of pathogens of COVID-19 patients, two main types of assessment were carried out for pathogens: antigen test kit (ATK) and RT-PCR withATK test for initial screening and confirmation of COVID- 19 infection with RT-PCR at provincial hospitals or districts that have only RT-PCR machines. The journey of receiving the COVID-19 testing service was at the respiratory clinic, visiting the area to check in the community and referral for infection detection at network hospitals; (4) receiving care from medical and public health personnel for COVID-19 patients in compliance with the guidelines of the Medical Department. The care during the first wave was hospitalization; and the services for the second wave were divided accordance with the severity of the disease; (5) conducted planning for patient discharge to go home follow by providing care information, coordination, referral, preparation of patients and their relatives, and community preparation; (6) ongoing care at home for COVID-19 patients was performed through home visits by public health volunteers based on their areas of responsibility. Finally, the local authorities were fully responsible for the provision of the services.
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