Lessons Learned on the Public Health Emerging Management of COVID-19, Khon Kaen Province


  • Mingkhuan Phuhongtong Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office
  • Sasitorn Eua-Anant Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office
  • Phairat Songkram Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office
  • Wattana Ninbunpot Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office
  • Prapawadee Wachapan Khon Kaen Hospital, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand
  • Pakee Sappipat Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office


lesson learned, management, public health emerging, COVID-19


This qualitative research aimed to identify lessons learnt on public health emerging management of COVID-19, Khon Kaen Province. The purposive samples were (1) policymakers, (2) diseases prevention and control practitioners, (3) individuals involved in managing COVID-19 situations, and (4) community-level personnel who were community leaders and public health volunteers. The data were collected through interviews and group discussions. The findings revealed that Khon Kaen province preparation for the COVID-19 situation utilized the Incident Command System: ICS that followed the 2P2R principles: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Such principlee were driven by the provincial Communicable Disease Committee established under the 2015 Communicable Diseases Act. Additionally, an emergency operation center (EOC) was set up to coordinate and manage the public health emergency. The centre was established based on the 3S principle: Staffs, Stuffs, and Systems. Emergency response guidelines was developed under six necessary measures (6 C) as follows: (1) screening and monitoring of patients at medical infirmary and communities (capture), (2) case management and infection control, (3) contact tracing, (4) communication of risk factors, (5) community intervention and law enforcement, (6) coordinating and joint information centre results from appropriate preparation and control of COVID‐19 impact from all three levels (individual, community, and provincial) which were the key success factors within the health system for managing the public health emergency dealing with the epidemic of COVID-19 in Khon Kaen province.


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How to Cite

ภูหงษ์ทอง ม., เอื้ออนันต์ ศ., สงคราม ไ., นิลบรรพต . ว., เวชพันธ์ ป., & ทรัพย์พิพัฒน์ ภ. (2024). Lessons Learned on the Public Health Emerging Management of COVID-19, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 33(3), 441–451. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/15028



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)