Preliminary Effects of Group Exercise and Individual Physical Therapy Training on Gross Motor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy


  • Pinailug Tantilipikorn Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Thammasat University
  • Piyapa Keawutan Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Thammasat University


cerebral palsy, group exercise, gross motor function, physical therapy


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a non-progressive disorder due to a brain lesion which is associated with posture and motor function. CP can be classified depending on muscles involvement or motor function. Gross motor function classification system (GMFCS) can be used to divide CP into 5 levels: level 4 and 5 refer to the children having dependent self mobility. Various treatment methods of CP are used depending upon types and severity. Furthermore, individual physical therapy training with group exercise is an approach that would be beneficial for CP. Therefore, the purpose of this quasiexperimental
study was to compare gross motor function of CP as indicated by Gross Motor Function Measures (GMFM) between pre- and post-test employing paired t-test at 0.05 level of significance. Five CPs were recruited in this study; mean age was 2.13 years, SD 1.14 years, GMFCS level 4:5 = 2:3. Children participated in group exercise for 5 months (2 times/month). The result showed that pre and post means % total GMFM were significantly different (p<0.05) (15.70 % and
25.65 %, respectively) In conclusion, individual physical therapy training with group exercise program could improve gross motor function of severe CP and, therefore, could be one appropriate treatment for severe CP.


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How to Cite

Tantilipikorn, P., & Keawutan, P. (2018). Preliminary Effects of Group Exercise and Individual Physical Therapy Training on Gross Motor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 18(1), 77–83. Retrieved from



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