The Cost of Hospital Services in Sub-district Health Promotion Hospitals in Nhonghong District, Buriram Province, in 2013 - การศึกษาต้นทุนการให้บริการ ของโรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตำบล ในอำเภอหนองหงส์ จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ ปี 2555


  • Damrong Seerasungnern
  • Prasert Khempakhon


               To promote health services in sub-district health promotion hospitals, it is essential to study the
cost of hospital services in order to obtain data to support proper management of budget in the right
direction and to improve the efficiency of the services that are conformable with existing situations and in
line with the changes in the society. The objective of this study was to assess the cost of health service units
in all 7 sub-district health promoting hospitals in Nhonghong District, Buriram Province. It was conducted
as a retrospective descriptive study during October 2011 to September in 2012. Primary data collected
included income and payment, proportion of the working hours of personnel, and the data on outpatient
services. The study tools included record forms on labor cost, material cost, capital cost, work hours, and
data on services to every patient. HOSxP_PCU and chosxp computer programs were used to assist data
collection and the ucost 2013 was utilyzed for data analysis. Statistics used included mean, ratio and
percentage. It was found that the highest cost among health promotion hospitals was labor cost (with an
average of baht 1,408,571), followed by material cost (baht 690,788) and the capital cost (baht
785,028). The ratio of the 3 category was 64:31:05. Ban Krabaungnoi Health Promotion Hospital found
found to have labor cost closer to the mean (baht 1,461,152) where as Ban Kham Hospital had both
material cost and capital cost closer to the mean figures (baht 683,838 and 98,953 respectively). The
average out-patient service cost per patient was baht 56 while each patient was charged for baht 163 baht.
When classified by diagnosis, the cost for diabetes was baht 233 (patient paid baht 435), followed by soft
tissue disorders, with the cost of baht 149 (patient paid baht 163) and primary hypertension, baht 147
(patient paid 311 baht). Ban Saodaew Health Promotion Hospital has the highest service cost (baht 240).
Since the cost in this study was the investment cost of hospital survices, the study results should be
beneficial for calculating budget allocation to sub-district health promotion hospitals in order to improve
efficiency of the health service provision and to ensure highest benefit to the government work.
Key words: cost analysis, health service cost, health promotion hospital.


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How to Cite

Seerasungnern, D., & Khempakhon, P. (2017). The Cost of Hospital Services in Sub-district Health Promotion Hospitals in Nhonghong District, Buriram Province, in 2013 - การศึกษาต้นทุนการให้บริการ ของโรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตำบล ในอำเภอหนองหงส์ จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ ปี 2555. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 24(2), 296–304. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)