A Model for Dental Health Promotion in Schools through Collaborative Networking in Tum Yai Subdistrict, Khumuang District, Burirum, 2011 - 2012 - การพัฒนารูปแบบการส่งเสริมทันตสุขภาพ ในโรงเรียนประถมศึกษา โดยการมีส่วนร่วมของภาคีเครือข่าย ตำบลตูมใหญ่ อำเภอคูเมือง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ ปี 2554-2555
The objective of this study was to develop a dental health promotion and prevention system in
primary schools. It was conducted in Tum Yai sub-district, Khumuang district, Burirum, from 2011 to
2012. The development was divided into 4 periods. The first period was problem analysis and planning.
The second was the action for the plan by performing 4 steps of activities including: (1) visiting
the model school, (2) training for the leader team; establishing a collaborative network and signing the
declaration, (3) training for a group of the student leaders, and (4) conducting dental health promotion
activities in schools. The third period was project evaluation. Finally, the fourth period was refection of
the results by experience sharing within the network and conducting a contest on dental health promotion
innovations. Data were collected through observation and group discussions. It was found that the
project was successful in promoting participation in brain-storming, finding solutions, and performing
actions at all levels. Financial resource was mobilized so as to implement the project in the context of
child good dental health network covering 3 aspects which were dental health learning, dental health
behavioral changes and promotion of supportive environment, led by school health teachers and student
leaders. Additional activities included experience sharing, dental health innovation contest, reflection on
the outcomes as well as dissemination of the concept leading to the application of the approach to solve
other health problems. Implementation of the project had led to a conclusion that a good dental health
program in primary school should be comprised of multiple factors such as the joint responsibility of
various sectors, setting clear policy and targets by administrators, capacity building of implementers on
both technical issues and skills. Involvement of high level administrators in admiring the outcomes had
become a powerful motivation factor for implementers; and changing the role of dental health personnel
from ordering or offering to motivating and supporting had resulted in the continuation of the activities,
friendly visits, good coordination, joint development of good working environment and financial support
from local administrative organizations and the communities.
Key words: dental health promotion in school, community participation, collaboration network