Laemsing Smart Ageing Model (L-SA Model): Preparedness for Active Aging in Laemsing District, Chanthaburi


  • Pichet Punyasit Laemsing District Public Health Office
  • Rassadawan Potikhan Chanthaburi Provincial Public Health Office
  • Wasana Tanyachot Laemsing Hospital
  • Pornruedee Nitirat Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon Ratchasima Phare Province
  • Pinnarate Gadudom Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phare Province, Thailand


older adults, active aging, health promotion, preparedness


This quasi-experimental study aimed to create a health promotion model called “Laemsing Smart Ageing Model” (L-SA Model) to help older adults become active aging. The model consisted of 6 dimensions of health promotion activities that were designed in concern of the community context. The samples were 30 older adults aged 60-70 years old who had Barthel Index for Activities of Daily Living (ADL) at least 12 and could complete all activities in the model. The samples were selected based on the inclusion criteria to participate in the L-SA Model for six times in 4 months. Active aging competencies in health, social participation (having a job and involving in family and social activities), and healthy and secure living (sufficient income and secure accommodation) were measured before and after implementing the model. Data were analyzed with statistics including number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired samples t-test. The results revealed that most samples were females (76.7%), married (63.3%), had an average age of 64.7 (SD=2.55), education level of grade 6th (86.7%), an average income of 5,716.67 baht (SD=3,034.52), and lived with hypertension (46.68%). After implementing the L-SA Model, samples’ competencies in health, social participation, and healthy and secure living were significantly higher than those before implementing the L-SA Model (p-value<0.001). Therefore, the L-SA Model should be taken into consideration to prepare younger aging persons to be active aging in the future.


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How to Cite

ปัญญาสิทธิ์ พ., โพธิขันธ์ ร., ธัญญโชติ ว., นิธิรัตน์ พ., & กาศอุดม ป. (2020). Laemsing Smart Ageing Model (L-SA Model): Preparedness for Active Aging in Laemsing District, Chanthaburi. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 29(3), 478–488. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)