Evaluation of Smoke Free and Zero Waste Beach Policy in the Eastern Region, Thailand
evaluation, smoke free and zero waste beach policy, Eastern of ThailandAbstract
The purpose of this evaluation research aimed to study the process and the performance of smokefree and zero-waste beach policy in Eastern Thailand. This case study was conducted in declared areas which are 4 pilot beaches in the Eastern. Observation and interview forms were used to collect data. The key informants were 17 people involving in the policy implementation at the local level. Content analysis was used to analyze data. The quantitative data were collected by using a questionnaire from 261 random tourist samples. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were mean percentage and standard deviation. The study found that: (1) the 4 areas could be summarized into 3 types of operation: good practice area (type 1), developing area (type 2), and basic area (type 3). For the type 1, local administrative organization’s administrators who concerned about the smoke-free and zero-waste beach policy had set operational goals, monitoring and orders for continuous operation. There was an important network consisting of academic mentors, detection and enforcement network, civil society network, and beach shops. These networks played a key role in the surveillance and public relations to alerts people in the area. There were social measures, funding mobilization from the public and private sectors, and many public relations channels. There were adequate non-smoking venue arrangements as well as the arrangment of smoking places in line with the tobacco control law. (2) In terms of the outcomes, there were no cigarette butts and no offenders found around the beach for type 1. Smokers were found only in the smoking areas. For type 2 and type3, offenders were found. In terms of results, there was a very high level of perceptions and attitudes towards policy in the type 1 area. For the type 2 area, there was a medium level of perception, a low level of attitude towards policy, and a low level of offense experience. In type 3, there was a low level of perception, a medium level of attitude towards policy, and a medium level of offense experience. The key success factors in areas with the good practice were the commitment of the leaders and participation of community networks, shops, establishments, and the government. There are two suggestions for operations. First, the leaders should endorse the policy. Second, related agencies provide support and help to develop capacity of personnel to be able to carry out and enforce laws continuously.
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