Health Literacy on Making Decision to Use Emergency Contraceptive Pills Among Female Undergraduate University Students in Chon Buri Province


  • Matchaya Hualthanom Faculty of Public Health, Burapha University, Chonburi Province, Thailand
  • Saowanee Thongnopakun Faculty of public health, Burapha University


health literacy, decision, emergency contraceptive pills, adolescent


This was a cross-sectional study aiming to examine association between health literacy and decision making to use emergency contraceptive pills. The respondents were 467 female undergraduate university students in Chonburi province. They were selected by using stratified two stages cluster sampling method. Data were collected during January – February 2019 using a self-administered questionnaire; and were analyzed by utilizing descriptive statistics; and correlation analysis was analyzed by Chi-square test. The resulted showed that 56.7% of the respondents lived outside university dormitories and 67.5% had made decision on the use emergency contraceptive pills. Field of study, experiences of having sex with different genders, accessibility to health information and health services, communication skills to use emergency contraceptive pills, self-management to use emergency contraceptive pills, and media literacy to use emergency contraceptive pills were significantly associated with decision making to use emergency contraceptive pills (p<0.05). Therefore, the relevant health promotion organizations should promote accessibility to health information and health services, and improve communication skills to promote literacy and decision-making on emergency contraceptive pills in order to enhance female undergraduate university students have appropriate decision to use emergency contraceptive pills.


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How to Cite

Hualthanom, M., & Thongnopakun, S. (2020). Health Literacy on Making Decision to Use Emergency Contraceptive Pills Among Female Undergraduate University Students in Chon Buri Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 29(6), 976–985. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)