A “Mosquito Vacuum Tanks” for Adult Mosquitoes - การสร้าง "ถังดูดยุง" เพื่อกำจัดยุงตัวเต็มวัย


  • Nat Wangkawan


              With mosquitoes as their carriers Malaria, encephalitis and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are reported to be causes of illnesses and fatalities annually. Based on 5 year DHF records (2005 - 2009), the number of cases were reportedly exceed the guideline of the Ministry of Public Health (50 cases per 100,000 population - year). Moreover the Biting Rate Index (BRI) of 8-15 female mosquitoes per person-hour in the area indicated a high risk for its outbreak. In 2010, the author had invented a “Mosquito Vacuum Tank” designed to trap adult mosquitos without any chemical use which was easily assembled using local materials, economic and chemical free. In this innovation report, the effectiveness of the innovation was evaluated and ready to be applied in the community with public participation in the process and hence strengthening sustainability. It was reported that while black attracted more mosquitoes than any other colors, 11-inch fan was the most efficient in a suction process. Based on to the BRI the efficiency reached 91.98 percent and mosquitos accounted for 54.50 percent in number of all the trapped insects. In a test run in a community, it was found the BRI decreased from 25.33 to 3.34 within an hour and its efficiency was 91.47 percent based on BRI. When a comparison was made on two villages with similar levels of BRI, in the end BRI went down from 12 mosquitos per person - hour to 5.33.The Mosquito Vacuum Tank was efficient and was under a patent process with the Department of intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce in 2010.

Key words: mosquito Vacuum Tank., deposition rate, people as bait


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