Vaccine Coverage Survey among the 1st and the 6th Grade Students, 2008 - ความครอบคลุมของการได้รับวัคซีนในนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 1 และ 6 ปีการศึกษา 2551


  • Aimorn Rasdjarmrearnsook
  • Piyanit Tharmaphornpilas
  • Porpit Varinsathein
  • Wirat Ponlead


         Outbreaks of measles and mumps were reported in several areas in Thailand despite the schoolbased MMR immunization for the 1st grade students and diphtheria-tetanus (dT) immunization for the 6th grade students. This cross-sectional survey was conducted to obtain the school-based vaccine coverage and identify reasons for failure to receive vaccine. Thirty schools in each 12 provinces (total of 360 schools) were randomly selected for the survey during January - March 2008. The overall MMR vaccine coverage among the 1st grade students was 91.2 percent. The overall dT vaccine coverage among the 6th grade students was 94.1 percent. Both numbers were lower than minimum standard of 95 percent coverage. The main reason for failure to receive vaccine was no service provided at schools, accounting for 66 and 41 percent in unvaccinated 1st grade students (from 21 schools) and 6th grade students (from 13 schools). The second reason was students being absent on vaccination day (15.5% and 31.5% of unvaccinated ones). In conclusion, high number of unvaccinated students was due to health staffs not render the service at school. Increasing number of unvaccinated students, without immunity to the infectious diseases, is a risk factor for disease outbreaks. Program strengthening by close supervision of health staffs, monitoring of vaccine used and school-based vaccine performance reports are needed. Once the service is reportedly not provided, prompt vaccination is a must.
Key words: Immunization, vaccine coverage


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