Outcome of Pregnancy in Obesity - ผลของการตั้งครรภ์ในหญิงอ้วน
The retrospective descriptive study of pregnant women in obesity who deliverd in Makarak Hospital during October 2006 to September 2007, there were 176 cases of bodyweigh ³ 80 kilograms and 1468 cases of bodyweigh < 80 kilograms. Cesarean delivery were significantly higher in the obese group. The obese women delivered neonates ³ 4,000 grams significantly higher than the other. Gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension were the serious complications. Main indications for cesarean section in obese groups were previous cesarean section, cephalo - pelvic disproportion and pregnancy induced hypertension.
Key words: obesity, pregnancy, hypertension