Management of Drug Procurement Using ABC-VEN Matrix in Takuapa Hospital


  • Santi Kaewngam Pharmacy Department, Takuapa Hospital


ABC analysis, VEN analysis, ABC-VEN matrix


The purpose of this study was to analyze the cost and quantity of drugs purchased in the fiscal year 2021 at Takuapa Hospital by ABC-VEN matrix method.

It was a descriptive study. The quantity and cost of drugs purchased in fiscal year 2021 were collected and analyzed by ABC-VEN matrix method and then used to plan the drug inventory management for AE drugs which were high-purchasing essential drugs, AN drugs which were non-essential drugs with high purchasing costs and AV, BV, and CV drugs which were vital and single-vendor drugs. The statistic employed for data analysis was percentage.

The results showed that 53.92% of purchasing costs belonged to AE drugs. There should be a price competition mechanism to reduce the purchasing costs. AN drugs which are non-essential drugs had a purchasing value of 9.95%. It is a group of drugs that should have defined criteria for use and consider reducing the number of unnecessary items on the hospital drug list. Vital drugs such as AV, BV, and CV consumed 8.90% of purchasing costs. This group should be reserved in the proper amount. For single-vendor drugs that are non-essential drugs should be proposed to consider cut out of the hospital drug list when there is a limited budget and set conditions for prescribing.

The ABC-VEN matrix procurement cost analysis clearly showed drug purchasing data distribution characteristics in different groups. It can be used in managing drug procurement and medical supplies to be more efficient.


Author Biography

Santi Kaewngam, Pharmacy Department, Takuapa Hospital



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How to Cite

แก้วงาม ส. Management of Drug Procurement Using ABC-VEN Matrix in Takuapa Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2022Jul.28 [cited 2024Jul.22];27(3):103-11. Available from: