Outcomes of Drug Procurement by Electronic Bidding and Price Performance Evaluation in Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya Hospital


  • Arunya Jungjaijarumas Pharmacy Department, PhraNakorn Sri Ayutthaya Hospital


drug procurement, electronic bidding, price performance valuation, Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act B.E. 2560


Background: Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act B.E. 2560 requires an electronic bidding method when a single purchase amount exceeds 500,000 Thai baht. Relevant information must be disclosed and all operations must be transparently conducted under fair conditions for competition to make drug procurement as efficient and effective as possible.

Objective: To study the process of drug procurement by an electronic bidding method, price performance evaluation criteria and reduction of drug procurement prices.

Methods: This was a descriptive research. Data about drug procurement by an electronic bidding method that uses price performance evaluation criteria of Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya Hospital in fiscal year 2019-2022 was used

Results: In fiscal year 2019-2022, This Hospital proceeded to purchase drugs by an electronic bidding method for 75 items. There were 13 processes, taking an average of 50.43 business days. The most time-consuming processes were the generating of specification of drug and the development of price performance evaluation criteria. The performance scores were divided into 4 domains as follows: standard of manufacturer of an active pharmaceutical ingredient, laboratory standard, packaging standard and other standards that support drug quality. After the implementation, the drug purchasing price price drugs has been reduced from 187,498,547.56 Thai baht (expected budget) to 167,900,953.40 Thai baht (actual price). The reduction of drug procurement price was 19,597,594.16 Thai baht (10.45%).

Conclusion: Drug procurement by electronic bidding method that uses price performance evaluation criteria requires several steps with a great deal of time. However, the method leads to the hospital’s drug procurement efficiency, legitimacy, and cost saving.

Author Biography

Arunya Jungjaijarumas, Pharmacy Department, PhraNakorn Sri Ayutthaya Hospital



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How to Cite

จูงใจจารุมาศ อ. Outcomes of Drug Procurement by Electronic Bidding and Price Performance Evaluation in Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2022Nov.22 [cited 2024Jul.22];28(2):71-83. Available from: https://thaidj.org/index.php/TJCP/article/view/12609



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