Amount of Prescribing of Injectable Antibacterial Drugs in Defined Daily Dose (DDD) in Inpatients at Chaiyaphum Hospital


  • Samart Yooyong Pharmacy Department, Chaiyaphum Hospital
  • Sirirut Phumiruttanaprapin Pharmacy Department, Chaiyaphum Hospital


injectable antibacterial drugs, defined daily dose, antimicrobial resistance


Background The problem of drug resistance is an important medical problem in Thailand because it causes many negative effects both in terms of treatment results and expenditure. There is evidence from studies showing that overuse of antibiotics is a contributing factor to many bacterial resistance problems.

Objectives To analyze the value and consumption of injectable antibacterial drug in the form of defined daily dose (DDD), separated by types and groups of antibacterial drugs available at Chaiyaphum hospital during the fiscal year 2020-2022

Method This descriptive was conducted by retrieving data on antibacterial drug prescribing in inpatients at Chaiyaphum Hospital from the HOSXP database and the RDUR9 version 62.10.01 program, Health Region 9 was used to analyze DDD and calculate the value of drugs prescribed from the purchase price each year. Data were analyzed statistically by frequency and percentage.

Results The total values of prescribed injectable antibacterial drugs in the fiscal year 2020-2022 were 89,915,896 baht, classified by each fiscal year equal to 23,852,171 baht, 31,288,166 baht and 34,775,559 baht, respectively. The first three highest values of drug group were carbapenems 28,509,463 baht (31.71%), beta-lactam/betalactamase inhibitors (BLBI) 18,336,532 baht (20.39%) and phosphonic acids 9,822,641 baht (10.92%). The top three highest values of drugs were meropenem 23,470,713 baht (26.10%), fosfomycin 9,822,641 baht (10.92%) and piperacillin-tazobactam 7,926,480 baht (8.82%). The total values of prescribing increased by an average of 18.22% per year. The total DDD during the three fiscal years was 333.08, classified by each fiscal year equal to 117.84, 111.66 and 103.58, respectively which decreased by an average of 6.42% per year. The first three groups with the highest DDD were 3rd generation cephalosporins (100.11), carbapenems (48.81) and BLBI (35.78). The top three drugs with the highest DDD were ceftriaxone (65.32), meropenem (46.70) and ceftazidime (30.84).

Conclusions The value of prescribed injectable antibacterial drugs in inpatients tended to increase, especially carbapenem group but the total DDD tended to decrease.

Author Biographies

Samart Yooyong, Pharmacy Department, Chaiyaphum Hospital

B.Sc. in Pharm

Sirirut Phumiruttanaprapin, Pharmacy Department, Chaiyaphum Hospital



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How to Cite

อยู่ยง ส, ภูมิรัตนประพิณ ส. Amount of Prescribing of Injectable Antibacterial Drugs in Defined Daily Dose (DDD) in Inpatients at Chaiyaphum Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2023Apr.26 [cited 2025Mar.7];29(1):1-12. Available from:



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