Factors Related to Medication Adherence among Outpatients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension at NCD Clinic, Bangsaphan Hospital, Prachuap Khirikan Province


  • Puttachart Chantapattarakun Pharmacy Department, Bangsaphan Hospital


drug adherence, NCD clinic, factors


Background: Medication adherence of patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension is important for the treatment of disease.

Objective: To study the factors related to medication adherence and the reasons for not taking drugs among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

Methodology: The study was a cross-sectional analytical study in 385 outpatients at Non-Communicable Disease Clinic ,OPD department, Bangsaphan hospital between October and December 2022 by using the patient's general record form, diabetes and hypertension knowledge test , a measure of medication adherence for Thai people adapted and created by the researcher and an interview form for the reason why the patient did not take the drug. Data were analyzed statistically by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis.

Results: The medication adherence average scores was at a high level of 34.29+4.89 out of a full score of 40. Factors related to medication adherence were gender, age, education, treatment rights, income, having caregiver, duration of medication uses, occupation, using food supplement and disease literacy scores (p<0.001). Marital status and drug allergy history were related with p=0.001 and number of underlying disease was related with p=0.014. Most of the reasons why patients do not take medication were poor memory , multiple medications, concern of renal and liver disease, cancer concerns from chemicals in drugs and poor eyesight were 17.00% 14.00% 13.00% and 11.00% respectively.

Conclusion: The factors related to medication adherence in type 2 diabetes and hypertension patients were gender, age, education, treatment rights, income, having caregiver, duration of medication uses, occupation, using food supplement, disease literacy scores, marital status, drug allergy ,history number of underlying disease. Pharmacists should provide accurate knowledge to patients who misunderstand in drugs and diseases to increase medication adherence and treatment effectiveness.

Author Biography

Puttachart Chantapattarakun, Pharmacy Department, Bangsaphan Hospital

M. Pharm.


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How to Cite

ฉันทภัทรางกูร พ. Factors Related to Medication Adherence among Outpatients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension at NCD Clinic, Bangsaphan Hospital, Prachuap Khirikan Province. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2023Apr.26 [cited 2024Jul.22];29(1):13-24. Available from: https://thaidj.org/index.php/TJCP/article/view/13017



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