Development of Pharmacist’s Role in Palliative Care of Cancer Patients with a Multidisciplinary Team at Saraburi Hospital


  • Maliwan Chaemchaeng Pharmacy Department, Saraburi Hospital


pharmacist, palliative cancer patients, multidisciplinary team


Background: Palliative care is a combination of care and treatment that focuses on improving the quality of life. It is a collaboration between a multidisciplinary team and a pharmacist as part of the team.

Objective: To develop the pharmacists’s role in a multidisciplinary in palliative care of cancer patients both outpatients and inpatients at Saraburi Hospital.

Method: This action research consisted of 4 phases. Phase 1: Planning, Phase 2: Implementation, Phase 3: Observation and Data Collection, and Phase 4: Reflection. The subjects were terminally ill cancer patients receiving services at the palliative care clinic for the first time and patients admitted to the hospital. The research instrument were the pharmaceutical care record form, patient's opioids intake diary and medication adherence questionnaire (MTB-Thai). Data were collected from October 3, 2022 to March 31, 2023 and were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Paired Sample t-test.

Result: After developing the roles of pharmacists It was found among the population of 410 palliative cancer patients, the use of opioids increased from 42.61% to 87.31%, while the sample of 82 patients, their MTB-Thai score increased from 18.11 ± 1.27 to 22.56 ± 0.44 points, the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). The number of drug related problems was reduced from 96 to 9 problems. The waiting time for injectable morphine was reduced from 180 minutes to 30.25 minutes.Conclusion: The development of the role of pharmacists in palliative care of cancer patients with of a multidisciplinary team resulted in increasing opioid use indicators and opioids adherence and reduced the number of drug related problems and reduced the waiting time for injectable morphine.

Author Biography

Maliwan Chaemchaeng, Pharmacy Department, Saraburi Hospital



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How to Cite

แจ่มแจ้ง ม. Development of Pharmacist’s Role in Palliative Care of Cancer Patients with a Multidisciplinary Team at Saraburi Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2023Aug.3 [cited 2025Mar.7];29(2):103-15. Available from:



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