Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events in Patients Taking High Alert Drugs, Lamphun Hospital


  • Pimchanok Khunkaewla Pharmacy Department, Lamphun Hospital


high alert drugs, medication errors, adverse drug event


Background: Medication errors and adverse drug events are the major problems encountered in the medication process and has an effect on causing patient’s health problems, increased cost, longer hospitalizations and may be severe enough to cause death.

Objectives: To study the incidence of medication errors and the occurrence of adverse drug events in patients taking high alert drugs and analyze factors associated with the incidence of medication errors and the occurrence of adverse drug events in patients taking high alert drugs.

Method: This was a descriptive research with retrospective data collection. The sample group was inpatients at Lamphun Hospital who received 14 high alert drugs between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022, a total of 6,917 cases. Data were collected from medical records and risk management information system of Lamphun Hospital.

Results: Most patients taking high alert drugs were male (55.1%), over 60 years old (64.5%), had no history of drug allergy (84.5%), and had no underlying diseases (74.5%). High alert drugs were used 6,917 times. The most frequently used high alert drugs included magnesium sulphate (17.6%), followed by norepinephrine (17.0%) and potassium chloride (14.7%). High alert drugs were used in the intensive care unit the most, 47.7%. Medication errors were found from dispensing 0.4%. Occurrence of adverse drug events were phlebitis 0.2% and bleeding 0.2%. Basic patient factors include being over 60 years old and having underlying diseases were statistically significant associated with the incidence of medication errors and the occurrence of adverse drug events at the 0.05 level.

Conclusion: The medication errors and adverse drug events in patients taking high alert drugs affect patient safety. It is also essential to follow-up and monitor the use of high alert drugs in elderly patients with underlying diseases.

Author Biography

Pimchanok Khunkaewla, Pharmacy Department, Lamphun Hospital

M.Sc. in Pharm


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How to Cite

ขันแก้วหล้า พ. Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events in Patients Taking High Alert Drugs, Lamphun Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2024Mar.13 [cited 2024Dec.5];30(1):41-53. Available from:



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